SOLA – School of Contemporary Art
I designed a brand identity for SOLA. In 2018, Renee Sills and Sarah Trelease came to my branding design class at PSU and hope to have a brand for their School of Contemporary Art. They intentionally developed SOLA’s training program to collaborate with yoga studios and community partner organizations. At the end of the term, my brand project was chosen as one of 6 final people to do presentations in front of Renne Sills.
My Tasks
Research, logo design, brand identity
My Roles
Graphic Design
Brand Identity
Renee Sills and Sarah Trelease left the world of commercial yoga in search of a space that fostered healthy, inclusive communities. With this philosophy in mind, they created SOLA to train yoga teachers. Leaving consumerism behind and focusing on community building, SOLA trains yoga instructors to radiate compassion and strength out to the community.

SOLA’s mission to spread inclusivity, sustainability, and relevancy to yoga. Given the root of the name, visual elements related to solar, sun, and light are important. Rising Sun was chosen as the primary logo because it reflects the energy, community focus, and inclusiveness of SOLA. Bright, radiant colors to embody the brand’s strength and positive mission statement.

The Rising Sun should be used as profile image in small devices, social media platform. It can be used as supporting decoration with the Primary Logo.